
"Men in Black III" movie with more errors of 2012

Men In Black 3, cinema, film, Will Smith, HollywoodEach new year begins with a series of titles something unpleasant to the cinema or music. This time it's the movie with the most errors of 2012. The lucky, or maybe not, this past year has been "Men In Black III" starring Will Smith.

Or the directors are not aware of their work sitting in their seat or assistant directors are reading news magazines or pending heart of the beautiful girls who are an extra in the movie but in each finish with some errors some of them very serious.

That is what has happened, once again, a few films released last year and have been reflected in a ranking by the readers of the website moviemistakes.com. And the people besides criticize the movie and also spend searching these errors do not usually find one in the post-production of the film to release.

Men In Black 3, cinema, film, Will Smith, HollywoodSome of the kits of "Men In Black III" should be viewed with great atention as some are not easy to detect, but in this case the shrewd eyes of people it has been able to find such as the sequence in which they appear and disappear for no reason props like paper objects, napkins and silverware. Another image is that you can see a notebook closed when only seconds before it was open. It should not have written anything interesting in this. Another focus scenes which is when a small cup to be moving with each plane change without justified. It must be that the contents of the bowl should not be very drinkable.

They aren't the only scenes with errors that can be found in the film as there are a total of 63 errors, which are numerous, throughout the film.

A lot of known distance two movies released this year and have also been able to make some mistakes. Secondly find "Skyfall" and James Bond secret agent more concerned with solving the case that the errors that have been on the big screen, namely 29 errors. One such error is the lack of information at the time to know something of where they are filming the movie, London.

Men In Black 3, cinema, film, Will Smith, HollywoodIn one scene James Bond (Daniel Craig) goes to Whitehall and the bus line number 38 goes ahead. For people who live in London I have pretty clear but for tourists who try to get on this bus runs say no this district or other close. So better keep public transport plane and look at the film that will get you nowhere.

The third is the film "The Amazing Spider-Man" with 24 errors. Some walls as inexplicable as that should not be broken, robes that grow like oversized Connors, dust jacket of Peter Parker that comes and goes. Errors that may go unnoticed but are quite evident if we look closely and we will not only see the movie.

So a tip for directors and assistant directors, be alert to the set of the movie or go forth in the ranking of films with the most errors this year 2013. To see who can beat the absolute record for errors in a single movie, "Apocalypse Now", by Francis Ford Coppola, with a staggering 395 errors.


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Unknown said...

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