
Darth Vader could be revived in "Star Wars VII"

Disney is willing to make the seventh episode of "Star Wars" one of the best first episodes of the new trilogy. For that reason it has taken a trump card, though still to be decided, resurrect Darth Vader.


George Clooney could become "Disney kid"

http://estaticos.elperiodico.com/resources/jpg/3/9/1352732654693.jpgU.S. actor George Clooney is in talks with the Disney factory to participate in a film that seems to have sci-fi themes. With this contract, Clooney could complete the cast of the film. 


Guillermo del Toro is preparing a dark "Pinocchio"

http://ocio.lne.es/img_contenido/noticias/2012/11/133129/2012_11_09_IMG_2012_11_09_223A253A28_toroefe__318x216.jpgMexican director Guillermo del Toro is ready to shoot one of the classic children's film, "Pinocchio". But this may not be typical Disney film, the director thinks the original story and show cruel puppet created by writer Carlo Collodi.


Robert Pattinson wants to direct sex scenes

http://uniradioserver.com/media/news_thumbs/201211/201211091030Robert-Pattinson.jpgRobert Pattinson is looking forward to the filming of the sixth of the series "Twilight". So much so that he has in mind some ideas to discuss with the director of the film, he wants to direct the sex scenes.


Lady Gaga donates one million dollars to the victims of Hurricane Sandy

http://images.lainformacion.com/cms/lady-gaga-donara-un-millon-de-dolares-para-victimas-de-sandy-en-nueva-york/2012_11_8_z8B9P2ZzzmiHLzERoHXYM4.jpg?width=479&height=359&type=height&id=VbsMLrX2RkidkACkadgEg6&time=1352360164&project=lainformacionLady Gaga again proves that not only can sing and do all her fans crazy wherever she performs a concert, but also promises to help the person who needs it. Mother Monster has been placed at the foot of New York to give a hearty support.


The sequel of "Top Gun" practically canceled

http://www.abc.es/Media/201109/13/top-gun--644x362.jpgThe tragic death of film director Tony Scott on August 19 of this year rocked the idea that a sequel would be filmed for the movie "Top Gun" after he agreed to do it. Today the cancellation of the project is closer than ever.


Harrison Ford wants to resurrect Han Solo

Harrison Ford, The reporter, Star Wars, cinema, film, Hollywood, Han SoloHarrison Ford is one of those actors who want to return to the place of his birth, as an actor. For that reason he wants to return to space and once again get into the character that made him famous in the movie "Star Wars", the captain of the Millennium Falcon, Han Solo.