For several days the social networks, especially Twitter, was in full swing of messages after the publication of the news that a staunch fan of Bruce Springsteen, Nacho, a young man of 20 years, died last week.
Nacho's story has touched the hearts of thousands of Spanish. For two years the young man has been battling cancer, and just two weeks before his death, received as a gift from his parents two tickets to attend the concert of Bruce Springsteen with his girlfriend. A gift which unfortunately could not enjoy.
And the effort of his friends and his family was worth em a moment when the concert has sounded the song "The River" with the following message: "We dedicate this issue to Nacho and his friends. It is in our prayers.".
Then all the Santiag Bernabeu exploded in jubilation and social networks have exploded in messages of thanks for this great tribute to Bruce Springsteen has made a great admirer of yours as it was Nacho. The boy was present at the concert though, unfortunately, could not be physically there.
Bruce Springsteen has again shown that it is a great singer and above all, a great person with a big heart who has made the dream of a boy and a desire for a family that has fought for Nacho's disease. Wherever you are, be sure Nacho enjoyed the concert and will be smiling for the gift that has dedicated his idol.
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