There is very little for the opening of the ceremony of the Oscars in Hollywood, but first they have to prepare the traditional dinner tables that each year celebrates the Film Academy. This year they have to make room in the hall for 160 guests and nominees for an Oscar.
Asthe headlinesays, yes he returns, but does not returnthe charactercuetiónas everyonewill havescared.Returnto TVthe actor whoportrayedthecharacterthatmade her laughandtomournovera spectatorwith hiscrazyadventures.JaleelWhitereturns fromthe hand of theU.S. program"Dancing withthe Stars".
Last nightwas heldthe 84thedition of the Oscarsin Hollywoodwhere hewas expected to passthe red carpetglamor andsmilesallpossibleto start aceremonywhich was notexpecting much andwhosebettingon the winnerswasmore than successful.
Nearly 15years afterco-star inthe series "Roseanne" for 9seasons, John GoodmanandRoseanneBarrwould be reunitedin a newseries ofthe U.S. networkNBCwould transpire ina community ofmobile homes.