There is a saying, "In the mouth closed sink ships" and that's what they should do certain artistes when speaking in an interview. Perhaps pride or perhaps blunder, Jackie Chan is the latest in a long line in which the words he has played a trick.
In an interview with local newspaper "South China Morning Post" Jackie Chan has tried to explain, among other things, a bad experience in his life when on one occasion he had to face, and this is not a film, against the triads (Chinese mafias) having to use guns and grenades to defend against them.
As explained Jackie Chan, was once surrounded twenty thugs armed with knives, so to defend showed possessing two revolvers and six grenades. He also comments that for some time the actors were easy victims for extortionists. One of the questions we ask is where in the body the six grenades hide Chan taught the bullies. Better not to know.
Police in Hong Kong has been put to work and ensured that ask the actor after these statements. Although it has acknowledged that it will be very difficult to get evidence of a possible crime of possession of weapons, and that only has weapons that would not be strong enough evidence to arrest and prosecute him. In Hong Kong, the possession of firearms without a license is punishable by 14 years in prison.
This has not been the only comment the actor as by reviewing the present, Jackie Chan has said he applauds and welcomes certain forms of theft. A clear example is that "if one can take gold at HSBC (largest local bank) without hurting anyone, is a genius and it's wonderful".
It's always nice to discuss certain things an artist of his life or certain thoughts because sooner or later end up taking its toll. Sometimes being quiet makes one be more handsome. Better than Jackie Chan continues worldwide promoting his new movie "CZ12" and prepare for the following film projects that are pending.
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