The New York actor Mickey Rourke, has just returned to go under the knife to get a new cosmetic operation on his face. The protagonist of "Nine and a half weeks" is not satisfied with his appearance and he does not hesitate to try to model his face again and again.
We all have in mind, anyone who saw the film, the actor quietly beside a flaming Kim Basinger in the movie "Nine and a half weeks" in which with strawberries and cream, he tries to woo the attractive blonde as she dances backlit shaping her body in shadow. Many woman have wanted to be the girl who dances to the actor and, more of a man wanted to be the guy who looks at her, lying in bed.
The boy who loved to the hearts of millions of women in his films, has been again for the umpteenth time under the knife to get a new cosmetic surgery on the face, already quite battered by previous operations.
Again Mickey Rourke wanted to demonstrate their skill and talent of an actor showing all his followers the state of his face after the operation that gradually becomes just like doing a Frankenstein role that his real face.
At 60 years, though not enough despite the operations, the star of movies like "Iron Man 2", "Sin City" or "The Expendables" is pictured covered in bandages, his face swollen and bruised clearly produced by plastic surgeries. Although another of them is shown more clearly what he have operated but with little white bands.
Retired boxer, Rourke said in an interview at The Daily News the many operations that he had been done: "Primarily most of the surgeries were to fix my face after my years in boxing, but I chose the wrong doctor to correct my face. I've broken my nose twice and have had five reconstructive surgeries, also had a broken cheek. again had to take cartilage from my ear to rebuild my nose, and then a couple more operations because cartilage does not could heal properly.".
The actor is recovering favorably from these operations and may resume soon, or so we think, his acting career.
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