The production company Ecosse Films announced in April the British actress and the Australian national Naomi Watts would be responsible for giving life to the Princess Diana of Wales in the movie "Caught in flight", film directed by German filmmaker Oliver Hirschbiegel , which has signed films like "Downfall" or "Invasion", written by Stephen Jeffreys and final title will be, how could it be otherwise, "Diana".
According to the producer, the film shows how the search and finding true happiness of Princess staff helped her achieve success as an important international activist.
Naomi Watts has been characterized with the same look that had Lady Di before her death. The Australian actress was tested princess costume and makeup did the rest, she has even learned to put the tilt of the head the same side as the Princess of Wales used to. German director Hirschbiegel believes that the "interpretive arsenal" Watts is "suitable" for the role.
Her partner in the film, British actor Naveen Andrews, noted the obvious, and has complimented the actress in her performance: "I do not think anyone else could have done. There is no more.".
The film hits theaters in the spring of 2013, although there are no scheduled dates. Diana of Wales, the "people's princess", would have turned 51 on Monday.
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