
James Bond is preparing for two more films

When just been released worldwide last film more cinematic secret agent in history, loudly rumored to be preparing two new movies to know that it has hired the head of the new hit James Bond, "Skyfall" for two more scripts.


Schwarzenegger will return to be "Conan the Barbarian"

Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed a deal with Universal Pictures to film a new installment of "Conan the Barbarian". Of course, he will star the lead role. Thus its origins back to the person it was released in the cinema.


Adele makes James Bond cry

James Bond, Secret Agent 007 in the service of Her Majesty the Queen of England or rather who plays the character, actor Daniel Craig, has confessed that Adele's song for the soundtrack of the film "Skyfall" has made him mourn from the opening bars. 


Hollywood is interested in the doping scandal of Lance Armstrong

The case of doping the American cyclist Lance Armstrong has revolutionized the world of cycling and, above all, the world in general where the show of support and outrage against the Athlete is not long in coming. In the same way that Hollywood has not waited and plans to make a biopic about the scandal of the cyclist.


James Blunt leaves the music

James Blunt, music, you're beautifulBritish singer James Blunt says goodbye to his musical career and hangs the guitar that has accompanied since its inception in the music world after leaving his career as a professional soldier who took part in the war in Kosovo.


Lady Gaga will have her own brand of bottled water

http://www.okmagazine.com/sites/okmagazine.com/files/imagecache/homepage_vertical_rotator_image/article_rotator_images/lady_gaga_oct18rt.jpgLady Gaga wants to expand her empire Gaga worldwide. Besides giving advice to everyone and protect the weak, to seize all her fans in her own social network created to keep everyone in touch, the singer has decided that we should all be very healthy. That is why her latest idea is to create her own brand of bottled water.


Tim Burton honored at London Film Festival Awards

Today ends the 56th London Film Festival, organized by the British Film Institute in the Banqueting House at Whitehall Palace in London, where in addition to granting awards in all categories of the Festival has honored film director Tim Burton.