Sofia Vergara is located in the filming of the sequel to "Machete", entitled "Machete Kills" in which the Colombian actress shows her potential as an actress and as a woman, surrounded by, well, a good potential but some actors now of dubious reputation.
Thanks to the website of Total Films, today we have seen the first image of actress Naomi Watts characterized as Princess Diana, Lady Di, in the biopic of "people's princess" to be renamed "Diana".
The Detroit rapper has already begun work on his next studio album, which will be the eighth of his career, but for now has no title, nor has a date planned for release.
The journalist of CNN and host of 360 ° which airs on the same channel, Anderson Cooper, has stated publicly that he is gay in a letter to his friend, also confessed as gay, Andrew Sullivan, who published this Monday on The Daily Beast.
Madonna still does not let the grass grow back under her step and, in this time, the singer of Michigan has returned to do so in the mid-year survey Billboard that the followers do who has been voted the best song, best artist , the best performance and concert during the first half of the year.
Justin Bieber makes it into trouble in a media and this time has been on a U.S. radio station and a program called Mojo in the morning presented by broadcaster Tom Carballo, to hang up the phone after a humorous question the presenter made the singer.
The town of Arganda del Rey in Madrid, hosts from this Saturday the third festival Rock in Rio Madrid with a large audience and emcees like Mana and Lenny Kravitz with a great public success.