Actor Daniel Radcliffe, some still known for his starring role in "Harry Potter", has decided to hang a medal for having kissed with actor Dane DeHaan in another film that is no longer related to the fantasy film, magicians, wands magic and broomsticks.
The journalistof CNNand host of360 °which airs onthe samechannel,AndersonCooper,has stated publiclythat he is gayin a letterto his friend,alsoconfessedas gay,AndrewSullivan, who published this Mondayon The DailyBeast.
LadyGagais newson the goodand bad, insickness and inhealthand no one canseparate her from herfansand music.But the singerof New York hasgone furtherand has now decidedto take another stepforgay couples.Wantto marrygay couples intheir concerts.