Showing posts with label gay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gay. Show all posts


Daniel Radcliffe wants to win an award for his gay kiss

Daniel Radcliffe, cinema, film, Hollywood, Harry Potter, Kill your darlingsActor Daniel Radcliffe, some still known for his starring role in "Harry Potter", has decided to hang a medal for having kissed with actor Dane DeHaan in another film that is no longer related to the fantasy film, magicians, wands magic and broomsticks.


Anderson Cooper, CNN journalist, confirms his homosexuality

United States, CNN, television, Anderson CooperThe journalist of CNN and host of 360 ° which airs on the same channel, Anderson Cooper, has stated publicly that he is gay in a letter to his friend, also confessed as gay, Andrew Sullivan, who published this Monday on The Daily Beast.


Word of Lady Gaga Gaga is news on the good and bad, in sickness and in health and no one can separate her from her fans and music. But the singer of New York has gone further and has now decided to take another step for gay couples. Want to marry gay couples in their concerts.