
Samuel L. Jackson does not need to win an Oscar

Samuel L. Jackson, cinema, film, Hollywood, Django unchainedSomeone because they have been nominated for Oscars and others because they have not been, but there's always something to say. In an interview to a British newspaper, Samuel L. Jackson has said that he does not need to be an Oscar winning actor is and to be proud of his career.

It may be out of spite or may be because the Hollywood Film Academy has completely forgotten his name does not appear in the credits of the Oscars, the comment of Samuel L. Jackson saying that he doesn't needs to win an Oscar to have the prestige as an actor really is deserving of a golden statue.

Few words are needed, but has been an extended interview, for what he said to the British newspaper The Independent: "I've had a pretty good career. I don't think it will validate my stature in Hollywood one way or another. I've done some pretty interesting things, and it's been a long and rich career. It's definitely not going to help my box-office record!". 

Samuel L. Jackson, cinema, film, HollywoodAt this point in his film career always is good a recognition by all his peers and the world of cinema in general, but it seems that it resists the actor while still making good movies like the recently released "Django unchained".

He was recently named the highest grossing actor in Hollywood and all thanks to some of its best and hit movies like "Star Wars" or "The Avengers". It is a reason enough for Samuel L. Jackson is very proud of all the films he has done.

An actor needs to have all possible film awards to be a great actor and have a higher cache to have more prestige as an actor?


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