
Madonna delivers ten schools in Malawi

Madonna, music, Queen of PopMadonna wanted to end 2012 and start 2013 with a smile for those who need it most, the children. Thanks to her founding singer has given a great gift for Malawi area, ten schools will be operational from this month.

Madonna is not just moving her body around the stage, making really impressive performance and dedicate concerts. The singer along with her Raising Malawi Foundation knows support the weakest and poorest countries on Earth.

The American singer has realized a dream that took months built in Malawi. In December her foundation gave ten schools for 4,871 children in this way can have a decent education from this January.

Madonna, music, Malawi, Queen of PopMadonna has once again demonstrated her generosity discussing her great happiness with this project: "I am very happy to know that my commitment to the NGO BuiltOn to help educate the children of Malawi, materialized".

The Queen of Pop wanted to comment and finalize the project in Malawi claiming that girls have few opportunities for education, which is quite true in a sexist education, and considered very encouraging that more than half of the students who attend these schools are girls.

The head of the NGO, Jim Ziolkowski, said the singer's generosity and also emphasized her words in favor of the education of future generations in this country, "Madonna's commitment to the children of Malawi is inspiring.'re Going to be able to educate generations of children who need it most".

We hope in the next Madonna concert devote some of the songs or an entire show to the children of Malawi because thanks to the philanthropy of the Queen of Pop will be appropriately trained and educated people really to pursue a country to a better future.

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