
Barcelona surrenders at the feet of Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga has been in Barcelona for the only concert in Spain, where, once again she has had her "little monsters" surrendered to the feet of the pop diva has given everything for happy just to have each one of her followers, praising them at every time.

The Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona became the nerve center of the "monsters", packed to the rafters, to welcome their "Mother Monster" which delighted all who were shouting, dancing and singing the songs of her two musical works that have become anthems success and these little monsters who enjoyed the last concert of Lady Gaga in Europe before jumping into the Americas and offer its first concert in Mexico. So it is better that they be preparing to invade the whole show that Mexican lands.

The chameleon Lady Gaga lit up the whole stage, although it was quite enlightened by the amount of flashing lights and spotlights that were around it, filled it with his presence and starred in one of his best concerts in the tour "Born this way ball tour" in a show set in a huge medieval castle that filled the stage.


Lady Gaga refused to take even one breath to the 15,000 spectators who were in the room and every second of the concert became an increasingly amazing spectacle.

During the first two songs, the pop diva did not saw her face was camouflaged spider armor. And it was not until rang and sang "Born this way" is not the began to see her face makeup and her long blonde hair.

Crazy racing of lights and sound team and her muscular dancers, an endless journey around the stage by Lady Gaga which was very visible to every one of her followers. On ten occasions "Mother Monster" costume was changed and one of its most celebrated looks was the iconic and much imitated and dressed beef steaks, which slipped to sing "American" and "Poker Face".

As time passed, it seemed that Lady Gaga had everything controlled millimeter even to the little mishap that had at one point of the show when she sang "Heavy Metal Lover". At that time he had a problem with her ​​wardrobe and the top of her clothing was left uncovered. Her fans scream crazy but crazy became hysteria when Lady Gaga appeared suddenly with a shirt of FC Barcelona knowing that the next day there was a the football game between the team Barcelona and Real Madrid, a classic of Spanish football and with great fervor in all over the world.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/76249_10151089707810840_904600221_n.jpgThe atmosphere histrionic overflying and seized all the Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona, led by Lady Gaga that her forces were increased so that the pop diva seems a being of boundless energy. And so it proved when talking with the audience encouraged them with phrases like: "I'm yours", "You are my kingdom" and "You have a huge heart". As if it were a Roman circus, fans shouted increasingly seeing their "Mother Monster" tucked each time their "little monsters" while Gaga showed as the Empire grew at times a dizzying pace.

Lady gaga besides being a tireless artist on stage also has a huge heart full of love for his people, as demonstrated several times since it is known in the music world.

So, she wanted to remember the bad time that is going Spain in both the economic and socially. And for all those who went to the concert and those who do not know that Lady Gaga again was with them, screamed a message of hope and optimism: "Thank you all for buying the ticket. Know everyone in Spain works hard for a living. Spain, are the future.".

Once again, Lady Gaga has made an entire city and its fans, many of them coming from different parts of Spain, have been lying at her feet of what is considered Pop diva and which will have to continue to demonstrate their power up with their third album which will be released in no time.

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