
The Beatles blame for drug use in Russia

http://rtunoticias.com/images/The_Beatles.jpgFrom Russia comes the news that the head of counter-narcotics Russian Health Ministry, Yevgeny Bryun, considered that drug addiction among the youth of his country is the fault of The Beatles and their legendary journey to India to open their minds.

And the Beatles, even though they were famous during the 60's, it seems that still has influence among Russian youth of today. 

Moreover, Russian Minister of Health, Bryun not only blames the Liverpool quartet of Russian youth drogue, but also blamed for having taught the people that can make money through drug trafficking. 

Speaking to Russian news agency RIA Novosti said Bryun: "The merchants understand that you can sell everything, pleasure and things that accompany it, and that's when everything started". Also commented: "After the Beatles traveled to expand their knowledge in the ashrams (monasteries) Indians, he was transferred to people about changing their psychological state."

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgwa3rYn9-_DI-ZSELE4OmaP8_Sg_sU0UcUYwpsja4Y1HJpvsHbY-4YMs0nN8yrViram_NLhuD79ufsO5kG2ubjsQIeNy7zlkTF3qpCLJ8YRMVQiPamZqVXYQNNSmWgWfii0UXy0llnvrc/s400/a585c_paul-mccartney-pot-high-cannabis-marijuana.jpgThe Beatles music was banned in the former Soviet Union see it as a Western intrusion, but the current Russian President Vladimir Putin, has always been a fan of the UK and met with Paul McCartney when he played "Back in the USSR" and other songs on Red Square in 2003. 

The lefty bassist Paul McCartney said the song "Got To Get You Into My Life" was "on marijuana" while "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" was a reference to LSD. 

Russia has about 5 million drug addicts, an increase of 60 percent since 2000. The consumption of illegal substances since 2011 has killed a million young people in this country, according to the Russian Federal Service for Drug Control and is a good excuse for Yevgeny Bryun to warn the Russian youth of the dangers of drugs making it clear that consumers will only hold "the jail or death".

The excuse is perfect for the Russian Health Minister, but remember that not only the youth die from their addiction to drugs, and we do not believe that The Beatles is also guilty of the Russian youth drink and get drunk to the point climbing to the top of a building or a bridge and jump without any protection even to death. You have to watch the drugs but also alcohol and youthful follies.

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