
Sacha Baron Cohen will walk the red carpet as a "dictator"

http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02103/THE-DICTATOR_2103654b.jpgTo me the horse! He must have thought the British actor Sacha Baron Cohen to get the approval, or that's what it seems, of the Academy of Hollywood to let him walk down the red carpet dressed as the character, General Aladeen, with honors.

In the end the end, after "Phantom Menace", the actor Sacha Baron Cohen and his insistence to attend this Sunday's Oscar ceremony Aladeen characterized as the General, his character in "The Dictator" is fulfilled. After a stunning turn of events, it seems that the actor will attend the gala, and dress as he wishes.

"VICTORY IS OURS! Today the Mighty Nation of Wadiya triumphed over the Zionist snakes of Hollywood. Evil and all those who made Satan their protector were vanquished and driven into the Pacific Sea. What I am trying to say here is that the Academy have surrendered and sent over two tickets and a parking pass! TODAY OSCAR, TOMORROW OBAMA!", these were the statements of the comic in the role of the last character in the movie "The Dictator" to be released for the month of May this year.

http://www-deadline-com.vimg.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/sacha-victory__120225024446-575x383.jpgThe producer of the Oscar, Brian Grazer, has since insisted that the actor is welcome at the awards because they "respect him as an artist".

Sacha Baron Cohen stars in the film "Hugo", directed by Martin Scorsese, and has been nominated for 11 awards at the ceremony including a nomination for "Best Picture".

The awards of the Academy Awards will be broadcast on Sunday 26 February by the ABC Television Network for the United States and Sky Movies for the United Kingdom.

The die is cast and laughter, too. Perhaps Baron Cohen gives a touch of humor to the ceremony when it becomes, for a moment, in a boring show. Long live the General Aladeen but, hopefully, that the duration of the broadcast of the ceremony is shorter than usual.

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